Discover Gospel-Centered Community at FBC Belton
Discipleship Groups
Sunday | 9:00 AM
Edifying disciples of Jesus by teaching on specific topics so that we might serve Christ and His Church better.

Men's Class
Room 142
Study: Our ReMARKable Faith
In addition to the Discipleship Groups, we have a few opportunities for you to join with other believers in fellowship throughout the week.

6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Sunday Evening Classes
The Truth Project
​Pastor Danny McCubbin
A study for families to discover truth in the world we live in.
The Healthy Church
Pastor Cole Knowlton
Learn how to grow your faith, strengthen the church community, and to be intentionally obedient to the commands of Christ.
Pastor Danny McCubbin
Pastor Cole Knowlton

6:30 Pm - 7:30 PM
Seekers Youth
Grades 6th-12th
SEEKERS is FBC Belton's youth ministry. We meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM to study God's Word, fellowship, and enjoy games.
Pastor Cole Knowlton

7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
FBC Adult Choir
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord! Join us on Sunday evenings from 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM for FBC Adult Choir. We will practice hymns and worship songs for Sunday services. Most importantly, we will come together to worship our Maker.
Prior to our adult choir, FBC Children's Choir practice takes place from 6:00 PM - 6:30 PM.
Scott Smith
NEW Children's Choir at 6:00 PM

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Thursday Bible Study
Led by Pastor McCubbin, its purpose is to edify disciples of Jesus by teaching on specific topics so that they might serve Christ and His Church better.
Pastor Danny McCubbin
Senior Adult Luncheon
at IHOP - 2nd Thursday of the month following Bible study.
Sunday & Wednesday
6:30 Pm - 7:30 PM
FBC Kids Club
Ages 5-12
FBC Kids Club provides kids with the opportunity to build lasting friendships, play games, and learn about Jesus. Club takes place twice a week on Sunday and Wednesday evenings.
Noah McCubbin

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Yarn Club
This group is for fiber enthusiasts of all skill levels. Our members meet in Room 133 Sept.-May, and work on projects in yarn or yarn adjacent crafts - crochet, knitting, weaving, spinning, needlework.
If you are interested in learning how to knit or crochet, we have crafters with a little more experience who can teach you and a decent stash of donated materials to get you started.
While we have not started any group projects for charities yet, it is a ministry opportunity we are considering.
Jessica Anders
How Can We Help You?
"...for He makes His sun rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust."
Matthew 5:45b
We understand that everyone has times of struggle, and where we can, we would like to help alleviate those burdens. So, if you find yourself in one of life's many storms, please, reach out to us. If you are in a need of a ministry which we cannot currently provide, we will be happy to point you toward other resources in the area.